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Metric system is used for measurement in China. Conversion between Chinese system and Anglo-American system on length, square measures, weight, and volume are offered below.
1 km (1,000 m) = 2 li =0.621 mile = 0.54 sea mile
1 m = 3 chi = 3.281 ft = 1.094 yard
1 li = 0.5 km = 0.311 mile = 0.27 sea mile
1 chi = 0.333 m = 1.094 ft
1 mile = 1.609 km = 3.219 li= 0.868 sea mile
1 ft = 0.305 m = 0.914 chi
1 sea mile = 1.852 km = 3.704 li = 1.15 mile
Square Measures
1 hectare = 15 mu = 2.47 acre
1 mu = 0.067 hectare = 0.164 acre
1 acre = 0.405 hectare = 6.07 mu
1 kg = 2 jin = 2.205 pound
1 jin = 0.5 kg = 1.102 pound
1 UK pound = 0.454 kg = 0.907 jin
1 liter = 1 sheng = 0.22 UK gallon
1 UK gallon = 4.546 liter = 4.546 sheng
The electricity used in China is 220 volt AC. Wash rooms in many middle and high-class hotels are equipped with transformer plugs for electric shavers and hair dryers. While for safety purpose, preparing a adapter is much better.
Electricity Voltage
The electricity voltage of some countries is listed below:
Argentina 220V/50HZ Barbados 115V/50HZ Belgium 220V/50HZ Brazil 110-220V/60HZ
Britain 240V/50HZ Burma 230V/50HZ Canada 120V/60HZ Cuba 120V/60HZ
Denmark 220V/50HZ Egypt 220V/50HZ Finland 220V/50HZ France 220V/50HZ
Germany 230V/50HZ Hungary 220V/50HZ Italy 220V/50HZ Malaysia 240V/50HZ
Mexico 120V/60HZ Netherlands 220V/50HZ Portugal 220V/50HZ South Africa 220V/50HZ
South Korea 220V/60HZ Spain 127V, 220V/50HZ Vietnam 120V, 50HZ Uganda 240V/50HZ
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